Creating and managing news articles

How to create and manage news articles.

Working with articles

You can add, edit and delete news articles. If you have enabled commenting, you can moderate the comments in the dashboard.‌

To create an article

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the News section, click News Articles.

  4. Click Add news article.

  5. In the Title textbox, type the title for your article.

  6. In the Author textbox, type the name of a user who is the author of the article.

  7. Optional: If you manage more than one space, select the space for which you want to post the article from the Post at drop-down list.

  8. In the Summary textbox, type a brief description of the article.

  9. In the Full text section, type the main body of the article. Use Markdown or the graphic editor to format your text.

  10. Click Save.

Learn about additional options when creating and publishing articles in the following sections.‌

Article details, language and website options

When you add or edit an article, you can use the following options:



Blog categories

Assign categories to your articles to help members or contacts filter the articles on the website. Learn more about this feature in Managing article categories.

Large image/Small image

Add an image to the article by clicking Upload image . The Large image is displayed as a header in the article and on the list of articles in the BLOG section on the website. The Small image is displayed in the Title column of the News Articles list on the dashboard.


Nexudus lets you post content in several languages. Choose the language from this drop-down list.

If you leave the Language section blank, the post is shown in all the language versions that you you have configured for your website. Select a language from the list to publish the article only for that language version of the website.

Publish date & time

In the Website section, you can schedule your article to be published in the future. Specify when and where to publish the article and in the calendar, select the date on which you want your article to be published.

Feature this article in the home page banner

Set to YES if you want the article to be shown on your website's home page banner.

Feature this article in the home page listings

Set to YES if you want the article to be shown on the home page listings on your website.

Allow users to comment on this article

Set to YES to enable comments. Learn more in Moderating article comments.

You can edit and delete articles that you have already published.‌

To edit an article

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the News section, click News Articles.

  4. From the list of articles, click an article to edit.

  5. Change any of the details and options. See Creating and managing news articles for details.

  6. Click Save changes.

To delete an article

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the News section, click News Articles.

  4. From the list of articles, click the article you wish to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click Yes to confirm.

Alternatively, watch the animation below to use More options to delete an article.

Last updated