Grouping events with categories

Event categories let you group together activities that take place in your space.

Event categories helps you organize information and allows coworkers to easily find activities that interest them.

Viewing categories

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the Events section, click Categories.

Adding a new category

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the Events section, click Categories (see the image below).

  4. Click Add event category.

  5. Type the title into the textbox.

  6. Click Save.

Adding an event to a category

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the Events section, click Events calendar.

  4. Click the event that you want to add to a category.

  5. In the Event details section, start typing the name of the category into the Event categories textbox. A list of suggestions appears.

  6. Select the category from the list.

  7. Click Save changes.

Last updated