Sign up Form Customization

The sign up form for customers has many options you can can customize.

You can customise the sign-up form that new customers use to register as members or contacts. Nexudus allows you to add custom fields to the default form or customise the template that is used to generate your default form.

We recommend contacting Nexudus support when you want to customise the default sign-up form.

Adding custom fields to the default form

You can create additional fields for the default sign up form. You also can display custom fields on the directory or the member or contact's profile. You can use custom fields to filter the directory.

To add a custom field

  1. In the side menu, click CRM.

  2. Under Shortcuts in the Opportunities section, click Custom Fields.

  3. Click Add custom field.

  4. In the Name textbox, type the name for your field.

  5. From the Location drop-down list, select a space if you manage more than one.

  6. In the Display order textbox, type a number to assign a position on the form for your field (for example 2 if you want it to be the second field on the form).

  7. From the Record type drop-down list, select who can view the field.

  8. From the Field type drop-down list, select the type of your new custom field. Refer to the table below for an explanation of these types.

  9. From the Place field in tab drop-down list, select a tab where you want to add the field to.

  10. Optional: Set Allow multiple selection to YES.

  11. Click Save.

Type of field

What customers can do

Text (single line)

Enter one line of text.

Text (multiple lines)

Enter multiple lines of text.


Answer a Yes/No question

Options menu

Select one or more options. If you want to make it possible to select more than one option, set Allow multiple selection to YES.


Select a date in a calendar.

Number (integer)

Enter a whole, positive number, for example 8.

Number (decimal)

Enter a number, with decimal points allowed, for example 3.5.

Displaying custom fields

You can choose where to display your custom fields.

To display custom fields in the profile, sign-up or take a tour forms

  • Set Required to YES if you want to make your custom field required to fill in.

  • Set Display in sign up for to YES to display the field in a the sign-up form for new customers.

  • Set Display in profile form to YES to display the field in the private section of the member or contact's profile.

  • Set Display in tour form to YES to display the field in the Take a Tour form on the space website.

  • In the Group name textbox, type a name to add a group that allows creating a section with multiple custom fields.

To display custom fields in the directory

  • Set Display in public profile to YES to display the field on the member or contact's public profile.

  • Set Display in directory search to YES to allow customers to filter the directory search by the information included in the field.

  • In the Name in directory search textbox, type a new name for the field to be displayed in the directory search results.

To edit your sign-up form template

With this feature, you can edit the raw HTML, CSS and JavaScript of your sign-up form, and every other page in your site. Please use it carefully!

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. Click Templates.

  4. Click Open template files.

  5. If you manage more than one space, select the appropriate space from the drop-down list.

  6. Optional: If you want to have additional versions of your space's website templates, create and select a version from the drop-down list.

  7. Click Common files.

  8. Click signup.htm.

Last updated