DNS Settings: Configuring your Cloudflare Account

How to setup your cloudfare account to work with Nexudus.

If you have not already done so, visit the Cloudflare website to create a account.

Configuring your nameserver settings

Once you are logged into Cloudfare, it will detect your domain settings and prompt you to adjust your nameserver settings with your DNS host (for this example, that host is GoDaddy).

You can also visit the Cloudflare help center for more information on adding a website to your account.

Login into your account with your DNS host, locate the nameservers settings in your DNS host and replace the current nameservers with the those specified by Cloudfare

It will take up to 72 hours for new nameserver settings to take effect. You can read more about nameserver settings at the Cloudflare help center.

Adjusting your DNS management settings

Next, adjust the CNAME records.

Within the DNS settings you will need to delete the A record for the naked domain and add two CNAME records.

  • The first will have the name @ and direct to spaces.nexudus.com

  • The second will have the name www and direct to spaces.nexudus.com

After both CNAME settings are added, you should see these two lines in your CNAME records list.

Configuring your SSL/TSL settings

Next, adjust the SSL/TLS setting so that Full encryption is selected.

Then go to Edge Certificates and ensure Always use HTTPS is enabled.

Finally, you will need to create a Page Rule for the HTTPS setting.

For the url type http://yourdomain.com/* and select Always Use HTTPS

Click save, and now your site is directed to the correct domain with SSL.

Once you have completed your domain setup, it can take up to 72 hours for all the changes to take effect.

Last updated