Members & Contacts reports

Member & Contacts List

This report provides data on the members in your space. It displays fields such as full name, team, email address, postal address, postcode, status (active or not), date **cancelled, contract or last time they accessed the space.

You cannot filter this list.

Members & Contacts by Date

This report provides data on the members in your space.

You can filter this list by date.

Members List - Active

The report displays the same content as the one before, but the members listed are all active in your space.

Member List - Inactive

This report shows the members that are no longer active in your space.

Members by Price Plan (list)

This report provides data on the members signed up to each of the price plans available on your **Nexudus Spaces account, the date they signed up, contract start date and their cancellation date, where applicable.

You cannot filter the data by date range for this report. All available data at the time of the report is displayed.

Members by Price Plan (chart)

This report displays the members in your space at the time of the report, by plan.

You cannot filter the data by date range for this report. All available data is displayed.

Member and Contact Billing Information

This report displays the billing data available for your space members.

When you export the document, you may need to widen the columns to view the content correctly.

Contacts List - Active

Contacts List - Inactive

Members & Contacts Profile Information

This report lets you obtain the social media accounts for everyone signed up to your space, as long as they provided social network information in their profiles.

Member Registrations

This report shows the data for new registrations to your space during the date range selected.

Registrations By Gender

Terms and Conditions

In your **Nexudus Spaces account, you can use the Terms and Conditions for general space usage or for specific price plans. This report shows which users have accepted each of the terms and conditions set up in your account and when.

Price Plan Split (history)

This report displays data on the total number of registrations and cancellations for each of the price plans available in your space during the date range selected.

Price Plan Split (current)

This report shows the members signed up to price plans on your **Nexudus Spaces account at the time of the report.

Members in Price Plans by Date

This report shows the date that members signed up to a plan.

Users by Last Access

When you use a check-in system linked to your Nexudus Spaces account, this bar chart shows the last access data related to the members signed up to your space.

Members Renewals

This report shows the renewals that have occurred in your space.

You cannot filter the data by date range for this report. All available data at the time of the report is displayed.

Next Invoice Amount

This report gives an overview of your members' next billing cycle.

Checking this report a few days before the billing day can be useful.

Remember, when teams are invoiced on one invoice, individual amounts for members that belong to said team are not detailed until the invoice is created. They are shown separately in this report.

Recurrent Charges

This report provides data about the recurring products that are active for members signed up to your **Nexudus Spaces account.

Upgrades & Downgrades a month

This report gives you a closer look at how the price plans in your Nexudus Spaces account behave. You can see the number of price plans that have been upgraded, renewed or downgraded within the date range selected.

Upgrades by Month and Price Plan

Like the previous report, this report provides data on the upgrades made to each of the plans in your Nexudus Spaces account for the date range selected.

Upgrades by Price Plan

The report shows the data corresponding to plan upgrades, separated by plans.

Upgrades by Member

This report shows the changes in the subscription for each member for the date range you selected.

Last updated