Adding contact details

You can specify which personal details your members and contacts are asked for when they sign up.

Configuring contact details forms

Nexudus gives you control over which customer details are requested, and you can set these to be required or optional. To configure this you must:

  1. Configure the Your profile section of your space website to determine which details are requested.

Customers provide their contact details when they sign up, or by editing their profile. However, you can also add contact details for a customer in the dashboard, for example when a customer comes in to reception and provides these details.

To configure which personal details are collected from customers

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. From the list of tabs, click Forms.

  4. For each of the Photo, Phone, Mobile and Gender options, select one of the following:



    • HIDDEN

  5. Click Save changes.

If you have linked your account with Google reCAPTCHA, you can use this feature to make your form more secure. Learn how to configure reCAPTCHA here.

To configure which personal details are collected in your contact details forms

  1. In the side menu, click Settings

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. From the list of tabs, click Forms.

  4. In the Contact details forms section, set the following options to YES:

    • Show contact details section in sign-up and profile forms

    • Show billing details section in sign-up and profile forms

  5. Select one of the following for each contact detail field:



    • HIDDEN See the table below for a list of available details

  6. Click Save changes.

Personal Detail



The address that the member or contact provide when they sign up (excluding the town/city, state/province and zip/postcode).


The customer's town or city


The customer's state or province


The customer's zip or postcode


The customer's country

Company/Billing name

The customer's company or organisation name.

Tax ID number

The customer's tax information


The URL address of the customer's company website.

To configure which personal details are collected in profile details forms

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. From the list of tabs, click Forms.

  4. In the Profile details forms section, set Show profile form in sign-up form to YES.

  5. Select one of the following for a given contact detail:



    • HIDDEN See the table below for a list of available details

  6. Click Save changes.

Personal Detail


Company name

The customer's company name.

Industry/Business area

The customer's business sector, for example, consultancy, graphic design, or web development


The customer's job title

Bio/Profile summary

A short biography that is displayed on the customer's profile when public.

Skills/Profile tags

The customer's skills can be included as tags in this field (CSS, HTML, Accounting, Web design, etc.). They are displayed in the directory when the profile is public.

Adding contact details for a customer in the dashboard

When you have configured the forms to your preferred settings, members and contacts can use them to add their contact details. You can also add a customer's personal details using the dashboard.




Click Operations, then Members & Contacts


Click the Account tab

To add contact details in the dashboard

  1. In the side menu, click Operations.

  2. In the Customers section, click Members & Contacts.

  3. Click the profile you want to update.

  4. Click Account. By default, the Account sub-tab is displayed.

  5. In the Contact address section, type the optional or required contact details. These will vary according to which ones you enabled when you configured your site.

  6. If you are collecting separate billing address details, type them in the Billing address section.

  7. Click Save changes.

Last updated