Your account

Members and contacts with a user account for the space website can update their profile details in this section. Users must sign in to access this section.

To access the account details

  1. In the top menu, click My Account.

  2. In the side menu, click Your account.

Members and contacts can now edit their personal and company details, configure their profile on the website directory and more. See the following sections to learn about the available options.

Your profile page

Members and contacts can configure the photo and cover displayed on their directory profile.




Click Your account, then Website


Add a profile photo


Add a photo to the profile cover


View a preview of the profile



Your photo

The profile photo is displayed on the directory and on the lists on the dashboard. You can add a new photo by clicking Choose File. Check the note for the optimal file size and resolution of your photo. You can also delete the file you uploaded.

Profile cover

The cover is displayed on your profile in the directory. You can add a new photo by clicking Choose File. Check the note for the optimal file size and resolution of your photo. You can also delete the file you uploaded.

View my profile

Members and contacts can see a preview of their updated details.

Personal Details

This section includes the contact and billing details of the person. Users can choose to use these details for billing purposes or provide separate billing details. If the billing details are left blank, the contact details are used by default when creating invoices.

The following options are available:



Full Name

This textbox shows the full name the member or contact used to sign up.

What should we call you?*

This name is used in messages sent from the platform.


Members and contacts can disclose their gender by selecting an option from the drop-down list.


An optional phone number textbox.


An optional mobile phone number textbox.


This field shows the email address the member or contact used to sign up.


This field shows the address that the member or contact provided when they signed up.


The town/city where the address is located.


The state/province where the address is located.


The postcode for the address.

Company/Org. Name

The member or contact's company or organisation name.

VAT/Tax Number

The member or contact's tax information.

Company Website

The company website URL address of the members or contact.

My billing details are different than my personal details

Enable this option when you have different billing address details. A new section displays. You can type your different address details in the Billing/Company Details section.

Billing/Company Details

The following options are available for the alternate billing details:



Billing Address

This field shows the alternate billing address.

Billing Town

The town/city where the address is located.

Billing State/Province

The state/province where the billing address is located.

Billing Zip/Postcode

The postcode for the billing address.

Send my invoices to

Members and contacts can provide an alternate email address to send invoices to.

Professional Profile

This section includes the profile details that are visible in the website directory when the List my profile in the directory option is enabled.

The following options are available:



Company Name

The member or contact's company name.

Your Role/Position

The member or contact's business area, for example, consultancy, graphic design, web development, etc.


The member or contact's URL address, if they have one.

Your bio

A short biography that will be displayed on the member or contact's profile when public.

Your skills

The member or contact's skills can be included as tags in this field (CSS, HTML, Accounting, Web design, etc.). They will be used on the directory when the profile is public.

List my profile in the directory

The profile is published on the directory when this option is enabled.

Social Networks

Users can list the following social media sites in their Nexudus profile:




The member or contact's Twitter account. Type the account name without the @ symbol.


The member's Facebook profile account address.


The member or contact's LinkedIn profile account address.


The member or contact's Skype username.


The member or contact's Google profile account address.


The member or contact's GitHub profile account address.


The member or contact's Flickr profile account address.


The member or contact's Instagram profile account address.


The member or contact's Vimeo profile account address.


The member or contact's Blogger profile account address.


The member or contact's Tumblr profile account address.

Your password

Customers can view their 5-digit pincode and change their password in this section.

Recovering the password

Members and contacts with a username to access their online account can recover their access details at any time if they lose or forget them. They can click request a password reset email to receive an email with password recovery instructions.

If you wish to change the password for a customer, go to the section on resetting a customer's password to learn how.


Members and contacts can configure the notifications that they want to receive.They can enable or disable required settings and click Save changes.

Custom fields

You can add fields with more information that you may require or want for the members and contacts of your space to include in their personal details. Learn about custom fields here.

Last updated