Desks reports

Desk Occupancy - By Company

This report shows the statistical break-down on desk bookings by company.

Desk Occupancy - By Company‌

All Desks

This report shows all desks in your space.

Desk By Company

This reports displays the details of desks booked, by company. The following details are shown:‌

  • Company name

  • Floor plan

  • Desk name

  • Full name

  • Email

  • Price Plan

  • Renewal Date

  • Cancellation

  • Available

Desk By Team

This report displays the details of desks booked by teams. The following details are shown:‌

  • Team name

  • Floor plan

  • Desk name

  • Full name

  • Email

  • Price Plan

  • Renewal Date

  • Cancellation

  • Available

Available Desks

This report shows desks in your space that are available for booking.

Available Desks

Last updated