Adding a custom page

Custom pages allow you to add additional content to the Nexudus website for your coworking space.

You can add a custom page in our template editor.

To access the template editor

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. From the list of tabs, click Templates.

  4. Click Open template files.

If you manage more than space, select the space to which you want to add a custom page from the fist drop-down list.

Template versions

You can create additional versions of your template pages and custom files. When you have more than one version of template pages and files, you can modify the pages, test and preview them without affecting the functionality of your live website.

To create a new template version

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. From the list of tabs, click Templates.

  4. Click Open template files.

  5. From the Production drop-down list (see the screenshot below), then select Create new version.

  6. In the Name text box, type the name for your template version.

  7. From the Location drop-down list, select the space to which you want to add the additional template version.

  8. In the Body text box, describe your template version.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Select the template version from the second drop-down list in the template editor.




Select a template version from the list you created. Production is the default template directory.


Add a new template version to create testing environments when adding or modifying pages.

To add a custom page

The name of the template file you type in the Name text box (step 3) must end in one of the following extensions:

  • .htm

  • .css

  • .js

  1. In the template editor, click the Custom pages folder.

  2. Click Add new custom page.

  3. In the Name text box, type a name for your custom page. This box is connected to the Link text box and it is used to create a URL for your page.

  4. From the File language drop-down list, select the language you want to publish your page in.

  5. Optional: You can change the coworking space where you want the page to be available from the Location drop-down list.

  6. In the Title text box, type page title.

  7. From the Template version drop-down list, select the template version directory to which you want to add the page.

  8. In the Description graphic editor, type the content of your new page.

  9. In the Picture section, click Upload image to upload a banner for the page.

  10. In the Link section, you can review the link created for your new page. The link is based on the input from the Name text box.

  11. Set This page is active to YES if you want to the page to be published immediately.

  12. From the Visibility drop-down list, select in what way customers can access the page.

  13. Click Save.

You can now preview and edit your page in the Custom pages folder.

To edit a custom page

If you use created template versions for your space, select the appropriate template version from the drop-down list.

  1. In the template editor, click the Custom pages folder.

  2. From the list of custom pages you created, click the page you want to edit.

  3. Edit any details described in To add a custom page.

  4. Optional: You can edit the HTML code of the template file by clicking the Show HTML code template editor button when previewing the custom page.

  5. Click Save.

To preview a custom page

Your page must be set to active if you want to preview it.

  1. In the template editor, click the Custom pages folder.

  2. From the list of custom pages you created, click the page you want to preview.

Last updated