Moderating article comments

How to moderate comments on news articles

In this section, you can learn about moderating and configuring comments for your news articles.‌

Configuring comments in Nexudus

You can configure the news articles section to allow comments on all articles. If you choose not to permit this, you can allow comments on individual articles.‌

To configure the blog section

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Settings.

  3. In the Features section, click Website modules.

  4. From the list of tabs, click Blog.

  5. Set Let users to post comments about your articles to YES to enable commenting for every article you add.

  6. Set Automatically approve article comments posted by users to YES to **approve all posted comments automatically. If you do not allow this, comments will not be posted until you approve them. You can do this from the Comments** tab in the options for an individual article.

  7. Click Save changes.

To approve or reject a comment

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the News section, click News Articles.

  4. From the list of articles, click the article whose comments you want to moderate.

  5. Click Comments.

  6. From the list of comments, click a comment you wish to approve or reject.

  7. From the More options drop-down list, click Approve Comment or Reject Comment.

  8. Click Continue to confirm.

Alternatively, watch the animation below to use More optionsto approve or reject a comment.Approving or rejecting comments‌

To edit a comment

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the News section, click News Articles.

  4. From the list of articles, click an article to edit a comment for.

  5. Click Comments.

  6. From the list of comments, click the comment to edit.

  7. Edit any of the available details.

  8. Click Save changes.

Adding and deleting comments

You can add and delete comments from the dashboard.‌

To add a comment to an article

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the News section, click News Articles.

  4. From the list of articles, click the article.

  5. Click Comments.

  6. Click Add comment.

  7. In the Posted by drop-down list, type and select the author's name.

  8. If you manage more than one space, select the space to of the article you are adding the comment to from the Location drop-down list.

  9. In the Comment textbox, type the comment text.

  10. If you want to make the comment available immediately, set Publish comment to YES.

  11. Click Save.

To delete a comment

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the News section, click News Articles.

  4. From the list of articles, click the article whose comment you wish to delete.

  5. Click Comments.

  6. From the list of comments, click the comment you wish to delete.

  7. Click Delete.

  8. Click Yes to confirm.

Alternatively, watch the animation below to use More optionsto delete a comment.Deleting comments

Last updated