Adding a resource

Learn how to add a resource to your calendar.

Use the following procedure to add a resource to your inventory. Once a resource has been added you can then define or edit its details, features, rules, prices and access rules.

You can ask Monika how to add a resource.

To add a resource

  1. In the side menu, click Inventory, then click Booking Resources.

  2. At the top-right of the screen, click Add resource.

  3. On the page that is displayed, enter the relevant information. For more information on each field, see the article on resource details.

    • Give this resource a name

    • If you manage multiple locations, set the correct location for this resource

    • Select a type for this resource

    • Slide to yes if you want to display this website on the members portal

    • Be default this resource is displayed on the admin panel calendar, you can slide this to no if this resource should no be visible.

    • Enter a description of this resource, this will be displayed to customers if this resource is visible.

  4. Click Save.

Last updated