Managing message macros

How to add, edit and delete message macros.

Message macros are saved messages or parts of messages that you can select and use when generating new messages or reminders to communicate with members. You can use dynamic fields in these macros, which lift data from your Nexudus account and let you automate and personalise messages.The link to the Message Macros section




The CRM link in the side menu


The link to the Message Macros section

To add a message macro

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click .

  2. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Message Macros.

  3. Click Add message macro.

  4. Complete the required fields (see the table below for a description of each option).

  5. Click Save.




What you enter here is used as the subject title in any message that the macro is used in


If you manage more than one space from your Nexudus Spaces account, select from the drop-down list the location of the space that is going to use the macro

Message text

Enter the text for the message

Add a message token

You can use dynamic tokens to lift data from your account and personalise or automate your message. Place your cursor in your message at the place you want to add the token and click the appropriate token

To edit a message macro

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click .

  2. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Message Macros.

  3. In the list of message macros, click the name of the one to edit.

  4. Make the necessary changes (see the table above).

  5. Click Save changes.

To delete a message macro

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click .

  2. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Message Macros.

  3. At the end of the message macro you want to delete, click. A pop-out menu is displayed.

  4. Click Delete.

There is also a Delete button at the bottom of the message macro editing page.

Last updated