Viewing translations for website terms

You can set the language for you website from the options listed below.

The website and templates are available in several languages:

  • English

  • Spanish

  • Italian

  • French

  • German

  • Portuguese

From the Languages tab in Settings>Website, you can edit most of the elements that make up the website, such as buttons, headers and messages. You can also edit the content of your email templates in different languages.

To access the language section, go to Settings>Website>Languages. There is a record for every language available on your space website. You can create as many languages as you need.

Languages use language tokens, or text chains, that you can translate to every language available on your Nexudus account. When you add a language, you can enter its tokens in the code of your site's template files.

You can also use these tokens in the email templates that govern email messages sent from the platform. Tokens are automatically translated when viewed on your website or sent in an email template.




Click Settings, then Website


Click the Languages tab


Select the language you wish to view

To view the translations for website terms

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. From the list of tabs, click Languages.

  4. From the drop-down list, select a language to view.

You can review and modify the list of all terms for every language available on the website. See Adding and editing language tokens for details.

Last updated