Configuring payment gateways

Learn how to setup up payment gateways for your Nexudus account.

To enable payment gateways

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. Click Payments.

  3. Under the Payments heading, click Payment methods.

  4. In the Available Payment Gateways section, click the required payment system.

  5. In the Payment Gateway Settings section, click the button below Let members pay via this gateway.

  6. Click Save changes.

When configuring some payment gateways you must authorize the following IPs :

Transaction Fee

If you want to set a fee when customers pay using a particular gateway, enter the percentage in the Transaction fee section. This option is not available on all payment gateways. This fee will be added to the invoice that is paid via the payment gateway.

As the fee will be added as a new invoice line, you can optionally choose to charge tax rate as well as assigned a financial account to it.

There are additional charges of $/£/€10/month + $/£/€0.04/per transaction for certain payment services options on Nexudus.

Last updated