About WiFi-based check-in

What is the WiFi-based check-In?

One of the advantages of integrating your location's Internet connection (Wi-Fi/LAN) is that you can automate the Check-In and Check-Out process. Also, you will get more detailed information about how customers use your location. It also makes it easier for you to setup plans with limited usage.

How does it work?

When a customer connects to your location's network using their computer, tablet or smartphone, they will be asked to sign in with their username and password before they can access the Internet. When the customer logs in correctly, Nexudus checks them in to the location.

As well as automating customers checking in and out, the Check-In has other advantages for your location:

  • Directory: The directory on your website is linked to the Check-In via Wi-Fi and shows which customers are Checked In in real time. This is useful when a customer wants to know if another customer is already in the location.

  • Reports and KPIs: Another advantage of using the Check-In feature on Nexudus is that you can generate detailed reports on how your location is used. This lets you find out the type of customer that uses your location the most or when the location is at its busiest.

  • Notify "Currently checked in": You may sometimes want to send a one-off notification or message everyone that is in the location about something that is happening at that time. When you use the Check-In via Wi-Fi option, you can send a Newsletter to the members that are checked in to your V at any given time.

  • Check-In app for Tablets: NexIO lets you use a tablet device to collect visitor information as well as to let members check in and out of the location. Visitors can notify their hosts as they arrive at the location.

WiFI-based check-In and Passes

In addition to the hardware requirements that we'll look at later, the Check-In via Wi-Fi is directly related to Passes, which you can set up via the Dashboard. If you would like more information about how they work, visit the article on Passes.

When the customer Checks In with a valid Pass, Nexudus will check if the customer is still online every 15 minutes. If the customer is inactive for more than 15 minutes, they will be checked out of your location.

When someone is signed up to your location, Nexudus can identify every device that he or she uses. Once the device has been authorised once, the platform will let him or her access the network without having to enter their details every time, as long as they have valid passes to access the location.

Is there any other way to let customers access the Internet?

You can also let customers access your Internet via an Access Tokens or Passes.You can find more information on the Passes section.

Access Tokens

You can also let customers access your Internet via an Access Token. These codes provide customers access to the Internet for a given time period.

Remember that Check-Ins can also be performed manually, using RFID cards or integrating an access control. Check-In via Wi-Fi is one of the most popular, given its ease and its level of automation.

What do I need for the Wifi-based check-In?

As we've mentioned already, you need to set up Passes to use the Check-In via Wi-Fi. If you want your customers to check in using Wi-Fi, you must first enable this feature in your location's settings. Finally, you will also need to install a special router in your location that supports MikroTik (MT) or one of the RADIUS based vendors we connect to.

Last updated

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