Notifying a team when a delivery arrives

Setting up delivery notifications for teams.

You will sometimes want to notify an entire team that a delivery has arrived. When you do this, Nexudus notifies not only the person the delivery is addressed to, but also their entire team. Note that this only happens if the delivery recipient has the option Notify Entire Team option enabled in the Account tab of their account settings.

To enable team delivery notifications on a customer account

  1. In the side menu, click Operations.

  2. In the Customers section, click Members & Contacts.

  3. Click the appropriate customer.

  4. Click Account.

  5. Click Services.

  6. In the Deliveries section, select the Notify entire team checkbox.

  7. Click Save changes.




Locate and click Operations. Then, from the Members & Contacts list, click a member.


The Account tab.


The Services tab.


The Deliveries section.

Last updated