Enabling and disabling website sections

You have full control over which sections of your website to enable or disable.

You can enable or disable the following sections of the website:

  • My account

  • Help desk

  • Contact form

  • Community boards

  • Events

  • Members directory

  • Blog

  • Tour request form

  • About us




Click Settings, then Website


Click the Features tab

To enable or disable the features

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Features section, click Website.

  3. From the list of tabs, click Features.

  4. Set the slider to YES for the sections you want to enable. See the table below to learn about the sections.

  5. Click Save changes.



My account

Enable this section so that members and contacts can access their accounts online to view and pay invoices, make bookings, and so on.

Help desk

Enable this section so that users can message you about problems they encounter in the space or request help on the space website. Learn more about the help desk feature here.

Contact form

Enable this section if you want website users to be able to contact you by using an online form. Learn more here.

Community boards

Enable this section so that users can access the community board of your Nexudus account. Learn more about the community board here.


Enable this section if you want to show a list of events taking place at your location, and allow customers to purchase event tickets.

Members directory

Enable this section if you want member profiles to be visible on your space website. Learn more about the directory here.


Enable the news articles section. Learn more about articles here.

Tour request form

Enable this section to allow visitors to request a tour of your space by using an online form. To nominate a member of staff as the person who handles tours, select them in Notify and make this user the host of tours requested via the tour form. (Note: the tour host must be a contact/member who is admin of the location).

About us

Enable this section to display a description of your space and your company, which you can specify in the Short introduction and About us textboxes. You can use the graphic editor or Markdown to format your content.

Last updated