Digital signatures on contracts

How to request a digital signature on a contract.

The digital signature process enables any member or contact to sign any type of document through your member portal. This signing process includes the required steps and language to make it legally binding. When a user signs a document via your portal, the signed copy of the document is automatically forwarded to the user as well as attached to the member or contact record so you can easily access it at any point.‌

You can ask users to sign nearly any type of document, but the recommended formats are PDF, Word, or scanned images.‌

To use this feature, first you must turn on the digital signature integration by going to Settings -> Integrations, and clicking on Digital Signature.

Once Enabled, the digital signature integration adds a monthly fee to your Nexudus subscription.

Requesting a digital signature

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click .

  2. In the side menu, click Operations.

  3. Under the Customers section, click Members & Contacts.

  4. Click the name of the customer.

  5. Click CRM.

  6. Click Files and then, click Add file and select the contract file.

  7. Complete the rest of the details

  8. Set Request the customer to digitally sign this document to YES.

  9. Click Save.

Uploading a file to be digitally signed

You can read more about digital signatures here.

Last updated