
By default, your account is configured to send email notifications to members and contacts when events occur, for example when an invoice is created. Notifications at a global level are enabled by default, but can be disabled. You can also disable selected individual notifications, for example in the settings for a member or invoice.

Each email notification uses a template that you can edit (for details see Defining email templates).

To enable or disable system notifications

Use the following procedure to globally enable or disable all notifications.

Caution: If you disable this function, no notification emails will be sent out at all, overriding the settings on individual elements in your account (such as members or invoices).

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click .

  2. In the side menu, click Settings.

  3. Scroll down to Communications and click Notifications.

  4. In the General tab, set Enable notifications system to Yes or No as required.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Last updated