Printers: Papercut
How to integrate with Papercut.
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How to integrate with Papercut.
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Customers set up as companies cannot use Papercut, only customers set as individuals may use this integration.
You can find the Papercut integration settings in Settings -> Integrations -> Papercut
Unrestricted users in Papercut can accrue a negative balance when printing, see the Papercut Knowledge base for more information.
To complete the integration you need to complete the following tasks:
Install two pieces of software
Set up the printing pricing in credits in PaperCut
Set up a Resource Price in your currency in your Nexudus Spaces account.
Once you have PaperCut NG set up and working in your environment it will track users printing via your office print server. There are also options to charge for members' copying and scanning in more complex environments. Please contact PaperCut for more information about PaperCut MF. Once you have PaperCut NG or MF working, you can install the Nexudus integration and the PaperCut software will validate that the member has enough credit.
The computer where PaperCut is installed, will also run the Nexudus Spaces PaperCut Extender, which will provide the bridge between PaperCut and your Nexudus Spaces account. Currently, Nexudus Spaces PaperCut Extender only runs on Windows. Nexudus is compatible with both NG and MF versions of PaperCut.
Please follow the steps below to complete the integration:
Download the Windows version of PaperCut from here.
Launch the installation process and follow the wizard. We recommend Standard installation.
Wait until the installation is finished and make sure the checkbox Open application and complete configuration is selected.
Type an administration password.
Choose a license type based on the number of users and the level of service you want in PaperCut. If you are running the free 5 users license, choose Education.
Define how much to charge for each printed page by default. Later you will be able to set different prices for each printer and print type, such as colour and size.
This price will be multiplied by the standard print in your Nexudus account to determine the price per page, this should be a whole number.
For example if this is set to 5 and you set the price in Nexudus as $0.01, then you will charge 5 * $0.01 = $0.05 per page for printing.
Make sure that the initial credit is set to 0 and that users cannot print if they don't have credit.
Select "Windows Standard" as the users source and finish the configuration wizard.
Once you are in the PaperCut administration panel click Options and then User/Group Sync.
Locate and activate the Enable internal users checkbox. Make sure all settings are as in the image below. Click Apply.
In the main menu, click Options and then General.
In the "Display Options" section, change the currency settings as per the image below. Notice the space before "credits" in the "Custom sign" field.
Set all the printers you want members to use as Unauthenticated printer. This will mean users will have to enter a username and password to use the printer. This username and password will be automatically emailed to members with credits to print. To do this, access the details page of each of those printers.
Click OK to save the changes.
Nexudus Spaces PaperCut Extender will provide the link between the Nexudus Spaces servers and your PaperCut installation. Typically, you will install the Extender in the same PC where you installed PaperCut, but this is not required. You can install it in any Windows PC with access to the PaperCut installation.
Download and install Nexudus Spaces PaperCut Extender from here.
Follow the instructions on the screen and complete the setup.
Once the installation has finished, the Extender will automatically load and show the configuration screen below.
The address of the PaperCut server. If you have installed the Extender on the same PC as PaperCut you can leave the default value "localhost".
The admin password you choose when installing PaperCut. If you could like to use a restricted user, you can create a role with the following permissions: - Coworker-List - Coworker-Read - Coworker-Edit - ExtraService-List - ExtraService-Read - Business-List - Business-Read - Product-List
- Product-Read - Team-List - Team-Read - CoworkerProduct-List - CoworkerProduct-Read - CoworkerProduct-Create - CoworkerProduct-Update - CoworkerExtraService-List - CoworkerExtraService-Read - CoworkerExtraService-Create - BusinessSettings-List - BusinessSettings-Read
Click Connect. The button should go green if the connection is successful.
The email address of the user you want to use to connect to your Nexudus Spaces account. Typically this would be any of the admin users in your account.
The password the user selected in step 4.
Click Connect. The button should go green if the connection is successful.
Select which of the Resource Prices in your Nexudus Spaces account you want to represent a credit for printing.
The product for PAYG printing price.
Hide the extender.
PaperCut Extender will automatically create and remove user accounts in PaperCut based on the following criteria:
Anyone with the "Pay as you print" option enabled in the "PaperCut" section found in the "Integrations" tab will be permanently created as a unrestricted user in PaperCut
Anyone with currently available printing credit will be created as a restricted user in PaperCut and removed once the credit is used up or expired.
The credentials for those users will be based on:
The password of the user will be the pin-code set in the "Integrations" tab for those members in Nexudus.
The Card Number will be the "Access Card Id" in the "Integrations" tab for those members in Nexudus.
Only customers marked as "Active" and of type "Individual" will be transferred to PaperCut. Suspended customers and "Company" customers will be ignored.
Nexudus Spaces assigns printing credits in PaperCut based on how many units of a particular Resource Rate each member has.
This Resource Price is the one you selected in step 7 of the last section, while configuring the PaperCut Extender. The price of this Resource Price must be the same as the price you set standard printing price. When doing this, if you assign 100 units of this Resource Price to a member, it will translate in 100 standard prints.
The Nexudus Spaces PaperCut Extender runs on the background and will synchronize your Nexudus Spaces account with your PaperCut installation every 5 minutes. You can trigger the synchronization process manually by clicking Sync Now in the Extender settings page.
Assuming you have a single price for all print types (b/w and color) at $0.05/print
Set papercut to have a price of "5 credits" for all page types.
Set your printers to use this pricing.
Set Nexudus to have a product priced at $0.01.
If you are using printing credit, create a "resource price" charged in uses and with a price of $1. Then you can then add a number of units of this rate as part of your plans or products by visiting the benefits menu on specific product or plan. Remember, the amount you type would be in credits. So, for example, if you have a plan including 100 pages, the amount of credit to add would be 500 units (500 credits / 5 credits per page = 100 pages).