Setting up a repeat booking

How to setup a recurrent booking.

In Nexudus Spaces, you can create a repeat booking that will automatically repeat with the frequency of your choice. You can set up a repeat booking only when adding a new booking. This topic explains how to update repeat bookings. Learn how to make new repeat bookings in Making a booking.

You can modify your repeat bookings one at a time or apply changes to all bookings scheduled within a selected time period.

To update a repeat booking

  1. In the side menu, click Operations.

  2. In the Bookings section, click Bookings Calendar.

  3. Click a booking that you want to edit.

  4. Edit any details you want to change in any of the tabs. Learn more about changing details in Editing a booking.

  5. Click Update series.

  6. Select how you want to update your recurrent booking under the Choose what changes to make to this series checklist. You can select the following options:

    • Update this and only this booking

    • Update this and booking after this one

    • Update all bookings

    • Update bookings which are not charged

  7. Optional: You can delete all bookings, the current and all future bookings in your configured period or only those bookings which are not charged.

  8. Optional: You can remove charges that were applied to all bookings in your configured period.

  9. Click Save changes.




When editing a recurrent booking, use Update series to decide how you want to update the series of bookings.


Available update options.

Last updated