Finance reports

Income Earned (accrual basis)

Summary of income earned during the selected range of dates.




Name of the space.


Provided services.

Related reports:

  • Income Earned (accrual basis - liable): Income earned during selected range of dates for services not yet provided.

  • Income Earned (accrual basis - delivered): Income earned for services that have been provided during the selected range of dates.

Income Earned (by account)

Summary accrual for each of accounts created in the Nexudus system.




Name of the space.


Accounts configured in Nexudus.

Related reports:

  • Income Earned (by account - liable): Money received for the services not yet provided for each of the accounts created in the system.

  • Income Earned (by account - delivered): Money received for the services provided for each of the accounts created in the system.

  • Income Earned (by delivered date): Income earned for services provided/delivered during the selected date range.

  • Income Earned (by delivered date & account): Income earned for services provided/delivered during the selected date range filtered by the accounts created in the Nexudus system.

  • Income Earned Details: Details of income generated during the selected date range filtered by the services provided and members associated to it.

  • Income Earned Details (liable): Details of income generated during the selected date range filtered by the services provided and members associated to it for services not yet provided.

  • Income Earned Details (delivered): Details of income generated during the selected date range. It's filtered by services already provided and members associated to it.

  • Income Earned Details (by delivery date): Details of income earned for services provided in the selected date range filtered by the services provided and members associated.

  • Income Paid (cash basis): Net amount from total invoices raised and payments received (including credit notes) during the selected date range.

Transactions Summary

Summary of all transactions between the the dates selected, with total credit and debit amounts filtered by the members (and teams) associated with the transaction and its type.

Payments Summary

Summary of all incoming transactions (payments) with the total of credit filtered by the members associated with the transactions.

Last updated