How to invoice a customer for specific products, bookings, charges or event tickets.

You can invoice a customer for products and services outside of their billing cycle by going to the account, selecting the correct items and creating an invoice.

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click .

  2. In the side menu, click Operations, then click Members & Contacts.

  3. Click the member or contact to whom you wish to invoice.

  4. Beneath the user's name, click Sales.

  5. You can now view the Products, Charges, Bookings and Tickets sold to this customer

    • For Products: select one or more products you wish to invoice

    • For Charges: click Charges and then select one or more charges that you wish to invoice.

    • For Bookings: click Bookings and then select one or more bookings that you wish to invoice.

    • For Event Tickets: click Tickets and then select one or more tickets that you wish to invoice

  6. From the Bulk Actions Menu, click on Invoice (Product/Booking/Charges/Tickets)

  7. Click continue

This will create an invoice for the selected items or services.

Select the items or services you wish to invoice
Confirm the creation of an invoice for this customer

Last updated