Viewing the visitor list

How to a view a list of visitors to your location.

  1. In the side menu, click Operations.

  2. In the Customers section, click Visitors.

Learn how to add visitors from the list here.

By default, the list of upcoming visitors is displayed. You can also filter the list by clicking the following options:

  • Confirmed Tours

  • Requested Tours

  • All

When you filter by clicking All, the list of all past, current, and future visitors is displayed.

Adding a visitor from the visitor list

You can add more visitors from the visitor list.

  1. Use the procedure above to view the visitor list.

  2. Click Add visitor.

  3. In Full Name textbox, type your visitor's name.

  4. In the Email textbox, type your visitor's email address.

  5. From the Visiting drop-down list, type and select a person your guest is visiting.

  6. Optional: Describe your visitor in the Notes textbox.

  7. From the Expected On date field, select the date for the visit.

  8. If your visitor is arriving as part of a tour, select Yes under This visitor is coming for a tour.

  9. Click Save.

Last updated