Your bookings

Members and contacts can view the bookings they made and make new bookings. They can also change or cancel bookings if the bookings cancellation policy allows it. Learn more about bookings settings here.

To view my bookings

  1. In the top menu, click My Account.

  2. In the side menu, click Your bookings.

Booking from My Account

Members and contacts can use the following procedure to make a booking.‌

  1. In the top menu, click My Account.

  2. In the side menu, click Your bookings.

  3. Click Make a booking.

  4. Select a day and time for your booking manually or click Make a booking.

  5. From the Resource drop-down list, select a resource to book.

  6. In Date and End Date, select a starting date and the end date from the calendar.

  7. From the Start Time and End Time drop-down lists, select a time of day to start and end your booking.

  8. Click Save this booking.

Booking from the BOOKINGS menu

Alternatively, members and contacts they can also access the calendar and create a booking from the BOOKINGS menu. Watch how to do this below. To set the options for the booking, they can follow the procedures described previously.

Last updated