
Adjusting the settings for bookings and reservations at your location.

These options apply to resource bookings.

General tab



Allow new customers to register and book directly from the calendar

You can allow new customers (people who are not yet members or contacts) to sign up and make a booking on the website by enabling this option. The new customer will be asked to pay for the booking using your defined payment gateway.

To use this feature, ensure the calendar is set to public in the Settings>Website>Access section.

Create an account and send the 'contact welcome email' to new customers registering via the calendar

If enabled, the contact welcome email will be sent out to new customers who register using the calendar.

Accept bookings in the past

If enabled, customers will be able to make bookings in the past.

Bookings made by members must be confirmed first by an administrator

If enabled, when a member makes a booking, the booking must be confirmed by an administrator before it takes effect.

Bookings made by contacts must be confirmed first by an administrator

If enabled, when a contact makes a booking, the booking must be confirmed by an administrator before it takes effect.

Let customers request a quote instead of confirming a booking

If enabled, customers can choose to request a quote instead of confirming a booking.

Notifications tab



Send an email confirmation for each booking

If enabled, a confirmation email will be sent to the customer when they make a booking.

Send a booking reminder before the booking starts

If enabled, a reminder will be emailed to the customer before their booking. You can specify how many minutes in advance the reminder will be sent out.

Include an 'access token' in the booking confirmation email

If enabled, booking confirmation emails will include an access token, giving access to the room that was booked. The token will be valid from 15 minutes before the booking starts to 15 minutes after it ends. The token will be valid on a number of devices equal to the capacity of the room being booked (for example if the room has a capacity of 10, then the token will be valid on 10 devices).

Charges and Payments tab



Always calculate price and/or use credit as bookings are requested

We do not recommend using this option if you are using money credit as part of your plans.

If enabled, this option causes available credit to be used when the booking is requested, even if the booking will take place after the current billing/credit cycle ends.

Consider money credit when showing booking prices on your website

If enabled, money credit is taken into account when booking prices are shown on the space website.

Use available money credit to pay for products requested as part of bookings

If enabled, available money credit is used to pay for products requested as part of bookings.

Ignore recurrent products when calculating booking due dates

If enabled, recurrent products are ignored when calculating booking due dates.

Invoice and collect payment for bookings made by contacts as they end

If enabled, payments for bookings made by contacts will be invoices and collected as the bookings end.

Invoice and collect payments for bookings made by members as they end

If enabled, payments for bookings made by members will be invoices and collected as the bookings end.

Require up-front payment for online bookings made by contacts

If enabled, contacts must pay up front for bookings they make.

Require up-front payment for online bookings made by members

If enabled, members must pay up front for bookings they make.

Cancel bookings if unpaid for more than

This option is available only if at least one of the up-front payment options is selected. If enabled, booking will be automatically cancelled if they are not paid within the specified number of minutes.

Calendar Options tab



Show customer names and company details in the calendar

If enabled, customer names and company details will be visible in the calendar.

Include events in the calendar ical feed

If enabled, events will be included in the ical feed.

Hide bookings made by other users in the calendar

If enabled, bookings made by other users will not be visible in the calendar.

Let users book across different days

If enabled, users will be able to make bookings that span across multiple days.

Default calendar mode

Specifies the default calendar views (day, week, month or list).

Last updated