
These settings lets you control if your invoices should display tax and other tax settings.

Products and services you sell can be set up to have individual tax rates. The default tax rate for your space is applied to all sales items that do not have specific tax rate assigned. On this page, you can set the default tax rate options and also define the tax rates that you can then assign to your plans, passes, products and other charges. To assign existing tax rates to each of the items you sell, go to Finance > Chart of Accounts.

Setting up a default tax rate

This tax rate applies to all sales where the item being sold does not have an explicit tax rate applied to it.

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click

  2. In the side menu, click Settings.

  3. Click Tax.

  4. In the Default tax rate section, set the tax rate for any sales of items without a specific tax rate assigned.

  5. In the Tax display section, specify whether prices are displayed with or without tax included on your website. Check the applicable laws in your region to ensure you choose the appropriate setting.

  6. Click Save changes.

Adding a new tax rate

You can add new tax rates here, which you can assign to the items you sell, such as plans and products.

If you operate a network of locations, you can set your tax rates in the Network account and use them across your different locations.

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click

  2. In the side menu, click Settings.

  3. Click Billing and accounting.

  4. Click Tax.

  5. In the Tax rates section, click Add tax rate.

  6. Enter a Name for the tax rate and in Tax rate, specify the percentage.

  7. If you operate more than one space, select the appropriate space using the Location field. If you operate a network of locations, you can set your tax rates in the Network account and use them across your different locations.

  8. Click Save changes.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each additional tax rate you want to add.

Last updated