Setting up a team profile on the website

How to set up a profile for a team or company.

In Nexudus, you can create a public profile for a team of members and contacts, which you can either keep private or publish it on the space website. A team profile is similar to a member profile. From the dashboard, you can control what information you want to include or display about the team.

To create a public profile for a team

The member selected as Team paying customer can also edit the team profile by using the member portal.

  1. In the side menu, click Operations.

  2. In the Customers section, click Teams & Groups.

  3. Click the team for which you want to set up a profile.

  4. Click Public profile.

  5. In the Team Public Profile section, type the summary for the team profile.

  6. In the Industries/Skills textbox, type the tags for the team profile.

  7. If the team has an external website, type the URL address of that website in Profile website.

  8. If you want to make your profile public, select Yes under List this profile on the website.

  9. In the Team Logo & Images, click Upload image to add your company logo and team images.

  10. Click Save changes.

Last updated