The import tool allows you to add, in bulk, items to your Nexudus account.
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The import tool allows you to add, in bulk, items to your Nexudus account.
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Currently you are able to Import the following items:
Customers products
The Import tool can be found within Settings > Imports. Within this page you will also be able to download the CSV file template to complete and then upload.
When the file is completed, you can simply select Upload File and select the file which will Import the data.
When you download the template files for each category, they will have some pre-filled data to give you a guideline on how each item should be input for successful Import.
It is very important to note that the header columns must not be changed as this will cause the Import to fail.
The customer import can be used to add multiple customers and assign them a Contract if applicable.
The fields to be completed are:
Location: The name of your space. If you have multiple locations, this would be where you want to set the new customers home space.
FullName: The name of the customer to be added.
Email: The email address of the customer.
Active: A Yes or No field. Whether this customer should be made an active customer. If this field is set to NO, the customer will remain suspended until you change them to active.
SendWelcomeEmail: A YES or NO field. This determines whether the customer will be granted Portal Access and sent a Welcome Email. If set to NO, the customer will not be able to log in to your members portal or Passport App until you grant them access.
Plan: The name of the plan you’d like to sign your customer up to. This must match exactly the same as the plan on the Nexudus platform.
RegistrationDate: If you wish to backdate the customers registration date add a date here. If left blank, the Import Date will be the registration date.
ContractStartDate: The start date of the contract. You can add future dates to start the contract in the future and past dates if you wish to backdate the start date. If left blank, the import date will be the registration date.
ContractCancellationDate: Can be added if there is a predetermined cancellation date for the Contract.Can be left blank if no cancellation date is set.
InvoicedPeriodDate: The first day of the period to be covered in the next Invoice. For example if you wish the Invoice to cover 1st March to 1st April 2020, this date would be 01/03/2020. If left blank, this will take the start date of the contract.
ContractNextInvoiceDate: The next billing day of this contract. This is when the system will issue the next invoice for this Contract. If left blank, it will take the start date of the contract.
This allows you to Import Resource Bookings in bulk.
The fields to be completed are:
Email: The email address of the customer making this booking.
Start: The start date and time of the booking.
End: The end date and time of the booking.
Location: The name of your space. If you have multiple locations, this would be the name of the space where the resource is.
Resource: The name of the Resource being used. Must match exactly what is entered on Nexudus.
Notes: Any notes to be included with the booking.
Free: If set to YES, the booking will be added with no cost. If set to NO, the booking will be added and the best available price will be applied.
This can be used to Import in bulk your Booking Resources.
Fields to be completed:
Location: The name of your Space. If you have multiple locations, this would be the name of the space where the resource is.
Name: The name of the booking resource.
ResourceType: When adding a resource, you can select the type to group related resource. In this way, all of your resources will be conveniently organized and easier to access. This should only be used to group resources that have the same pricing structure, otherwise give each resource it’s own resource type.
Description: An outline of the resource that will appear on the members portal and Passport App.
DisplayOnline: Whether this resource will be visible on the members portal and Passport App to be booked by customers.
DisplayOrder: The order in which resources will be shown on the members portal. We would recommend using number such as 100, 200, 300 rather than 1, 2, 3. This will make it easier to add extra resources in the future and number them rather than have to renumber each resource.
GroupName: A way to group the resources together for display and filtering on the members portal and Passport App.
Amenities: These are YES/ NO fields which allow you to give information on what the resource has available such as a projector, air conditioning & CCTV.
AllowMultipleBookings: If there are multiple of this resource that can be booked simultaneously.
Allocation: If the above field is set to Yes, how many Resources are available to be booked.
Rules: These fields are all set to minutes and are how you can set certain limits such as minimum intervals for the bookings, late cancellation policy among others.
This can be used to Import in bulk Customer Products
Fields to be completed:
Location: The name of your Space. If you have multiple locations, this would be the name of the space where you want to upload the products.
Email: The email address of the customer you want to upload the product to.
ProductName: The name of the product you want to sell to the customer. This needs to match exactly the name of the product on the inventory section in your Nexudus account.
Quantity: please add the quantity of the product you want to upload.
Price: you can use this field to populate a different price to the default price you have for the product on the inventory section. Leaving the field blank will apply the price set up in your Nexudus account for the product.
DueDate: please add the date from when the product is due and therefore will be added to the next invoice raised from that date. Leaving the field blank will set up the product as due when you upload the file.
InvoiceThisCustomer: If set to NO, the product will be added with no cost. If set to YES, the product will be uploaded with applying its price.
This section allows you to import invoices you may have generated in an external system or when migrating over to Nexudus from a previous system.
Fields to be completed:
Location : The name of your Space. If you have multiple locations, this would be the name of the space where you want to issue invoices from.
InvoiceNumber : set to "AUTO" if you would like Nexudus to generate sequential invoice numbers based on your invoice number formatting or to any other text to provide the invoice number to be used. Invoice numbers must be unique in your account. When uploading a new file, if you provide the same invoice number for two or more rows in the file, we will create a single invoice with as many lines as rows are found in the file for that given invoice number.
Email : The email address of the customer you want to create the invoice for.
ProductName (optional) : the name of the product to include in the invoice. If this field is blank, LineDescription is required.
ProductQuantiy : if ProductName is provided, this is the quantity of the product to include in the invoice.
ProductNotes : if ProductName is provided, these are the notes to include along with the product sale.
LineDescription : if ProductName is not provided, this is the description to use in the invoice line.
LineSubTotal : the line total price. If ProductName has been provided, the price of the product will be set to this amount divided by the quantity.
LineTaxRateName (optional): the tax rate to apply to this invoice line. Only effective if ProductName is blank.
LineFinancialAccountCode : the financial account to apply to this invoice. Only effective if ProductName is blank.
Date : the date of the invoice.
DueDate: the due date of the invoice.
SendByEmail : set to "YES" to send the invoice by email, otherwise set to "NO".
AmountPaid: the total amount to apply as a payment towards the invoice.
This allows you to import multiple newsletter subscribers.
Fields to be completed:
FullName: The full name of the new subscriber.
CompanyName: The company name of the subscriber if applicable.
Reason: The reason the subscriber is part of one of your lists. Can be left blank.
Email: The email address of the new subscriber.
Group: The newsletter group you wish to add the new subscriber to.
Can be used to add multiple CRM opportunities.
Fields to be completed:
CRMBoardColumnName: The column within your CRM board that you wish to add the new opportunity to.
CRMBoardName: The name of the CRM board that the column can be found.
FullName: The name of the opportunity.
CompanyName: The company name of the opportunity, if applicable.
Email: The email address of the new opportunity.
TeamName: The name of the team that the customer is part of, if applicable.
OpportunityTypeName: A way of grouping opportunities together.
ReferrerEmail: A current customers email address that can be set as the referrer of this new Opportunity.
AgentEmail: A member of your internal team who is the sales agent of this opportunity.
Notes: An internal notes field.
Completed: Whether the opportunity is still active or has been completed.
DueDate: A date to be entered to follow up with the opportunity by.
Value: A monetary amount that this opportunity is potentially worth.
LeadSource: Can choose from a set list for the source of enquiry.
Purchased List
Word of Mouth
Direct Email
Email marketing
Property Agent
Social network (other)
Loss Reason: Can choose from a set list for the loss reason:
Poor qualification
Lost momentum
Contract Term
Status: Can be either InProgress, Won or Lost to determine whether the opportunity is still within the process.
WonOn: If set to won, the date the opportunity was won.
LostOn: If set to lost, the date the opportunity was lost.