Editing a survey

How to edit an existing survey on Nexudus.

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the Community section, click Surveys.

  4. From the list of surveys, click the survey you wish to edit.

  5. Change any of the options.

    • Details:

      • Name

      • Description

      • Location

    • If this survey is sent automatically you can edit:

      • Frequency

      • Delivery date

    • You can add survey questions using any of the following types:

      • Text

      • Boolean

      • Long Text

      • Date

      • Dropdown

  6. Under more options you can:

    • Send this survey

    • Make a copy of this survey

  7. Click Save changes.

Links to surveys are individualized and can only be submitted once by the customer.

Survey response are not anonymous.

How to send a survey

You can send a survey at any time from Nexudus. The survey will be sent via email to all customers with an active contract, the link they receive remains active until they submit.

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the Community section, click Surveys.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • From the list of surveys, click the survey you wish to edit

      • Click on more options and select send survey

  5. Click continue.

Surveys are sent to all customers with active contracts.

Setting the schedule for a survey

You can set up a survey so it automatically sent to all customers with an active contract. You may want to survey your customers once a month to get feedback on service or survey customers once a year to get feedback on ways to improve or grow your community.

To change an existing survey to send automatically

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the Community section, click Surveys.

  4. From the list of surveys, click the survey you wish to edit:

  5. Change sent automatically to yes

  6. Set the next delivery date and time

  7. Set the frequency using either weeks or months.

To add a new survey and send it automatically

  1. If the side menu is not visible, click.

  2. In the side menu, click Community.

  3. In the Community section, click Surveys.

  4. Click Add survey.

  5. In the Name textbox, type the name for your survey.

  6. In the Description textbox, type a description for your survey.

  7. Optional: If you manage more than one space, select the space for which you want to post the article from the Post at drop-down list.

  8. Click yes to send this survey automatically

    • Duration: Choose how often to send this survey by weeks or months

    • Choose the first delivery date for this survey.

  9. Click Save.

Last updated