Buying products from the members portal

Products in your account can be made visible on your space website so that they can be bought by members and contacts (see Product details). Furthermore, if you have a payment solution integrated in your Nexudus Spaces account, products can be paid for online.

For more information about creating a new product, see Managing products.

Adding a tag to an existing product

  1. In the side menu, click Inventory.

  2. Under the Sales section, click Products.

  3. Click the name of the product you want to add a tag to.

  4. In the Advanced tab, you can add a tag in the Category>Tag/category field.

  5. Optional: You can also add a Stock Keeping Unit (Sku) number, which will be an internal reference unique for this product.

  6. Click Save changes.

Adding a tag when creating a new product

  1. In the side menu, click Inventory.

  2. Under the Sales section, click Products.

  3. Click Add product.

  4. Click Set category.

  5. In Tag/category, type the name of the tag.

  6. Optional: You can add a Stock Keeping Unit (Sku) number, which will be an internal reference unique for this product.

  7. Click Save.

Last updated