FAQ: Account settings

I need help with my account settings.

Feel free to email us at new_accounts@nexudus.com. Over the past few years, we've helped hundreds of clients set up their accounts and we believe it's the best way for us to see how the platform can help you in your coworking space.

Generic error screen

This type of error can be caused by different reasons, which is why we recommend you contact us at support@nexudus.com describing the type of message that is appearing and any other details which can help us identify the cause.

How can I restore my Admin password?

To access the dashboard you must go to the URL https://platform.nexudus.com. If for any reason you can't remember or you've lost your password, you can easily recover it by clicking the Lost password? link. You must enter the email address that you signed up with and you'll receive an email with the instructions to reset it.

Why am I receiving emails saying with the subject "Unauthorized Access"?

There are several options for why you are receiving these emails, they include

  • Having access limits on a plan, if you enable limits and a member exceeds them, it will generate an email

  • A member having zero passes or no valid passes in their account.

  • If team members are sharing passes, we recommend you instead assign each member a set of passes to their personal account.

Last updated