Adding visitors to a booking

How to add a visitor to a booking.

You can add visitors to previously created bookings as an administrator and as a member or contact.

Nexudus sends a visitor registration notification to the visitor's email address when they are added as a visitor. Learn how to edit notification templates here.

To add visitors to a booking in the administrator panel

  1. In the side menu, click Operations.

  2. In the Bookings section, click Bookings Calendar.

  3. Click the booking you want to add a visitor to.

  4. Click Guests.

  5. Click Manage Guests.

  6. In the Guest Full Name and Guest Email textboxes, type the required information.

  7. Click Done, after you added all your visitors.

  8. Click Save changes.

If you have a list of many visitors, you can use the Bulk Upload button and then type or paste in a list of visitors' names and emails.

To add visitors to a booking in the member portal

  1. On the top menu, click My Account.

  2. In the side menu, click Your bookings.

  3. Select a booking to add a visitor to by clicking view in calendar.

  4. Click your booking in the calendar.

  5. Click Add visitor.

  6. In the Full Name and Email textboxes, type the required information.

  7. Optional: Click Add visitor again to add more visitors.

  8. Click Save this booking.

Watch the animation below to learn about adding and viewing visitors from BOOKINGS.

Members and contacts can also access their booking calendars by clicking BOOKINGS in the top menu and then clicking Bookings Calendar.

Last updated