Setting up Forte ACH

Follow these four steps to set up your Forte ACH integration.

DEX Invite

First, reach out to Forte, to be invited to the Dex Dashboard, you must log in to this platform in order to retrieve your API credentials. You can do this by emailing to request the invite or call Forte at 866-290-5400 (Choose option 5 in phone tree). Once you have access to the Dex Dashboard you will be able to login to retrieve the credentials necessary to set up the integration.

Retrieve Account ID and Location ID

Once you login to the Dex Dashboard, in the top left you will see your Account ID (item 1)

To retrieve the Location ID they need to click on Location (item 2) and find the number below the location name (Item 3).

Retrieve API Credentials

Click on Developer (Item 4) then on API Credentials (item 5) which will take you to the screen above. Next, you must enter a name for the integration (item 6), ie. Nexudus, then click on 'Create New API Key' (item 7) which will create your API Access ID (item 8) and API Secure Key (item 9).

Retrieve API Login ID and Secure Transaction Key

To retrieve your API Login ID and Secure Transaction Key go to the virtual terminal , please note this is a different dashboard from the Dex Dashboard. Once logged in you can get the keys by going to Gateway Key (item 10) and retriever API Login ID (item 11) and Secure Transaction Key (item 12). You should now have the following information: Account ID Location ID API Login ID Secure Transaction Key API Access ID API Secure Key

Which you can now enter into Nexudus

You can contact us along with or for additional assistance with this integration.

Last updated