Before you start

Enabling the Integration

By enabling the Nexudus Integration for Square, successful payments can be imported into Nexudus. For information about enabling the Integration, see Square.

Exporting Customers and Products to Square

Exporting both Customers and Products to Square will be required for using the Square App for ePOS payments. Customers and Products will be uploaded to Square as Square Customers and Items respectively.

Prices and Taxes

Before Products are uploaded, double check their current prices in Nexudus, as well as the Space's Tax settings (and, depending on the latter, the price for the Product has been set correctly).

Nexudus and Square independently control Tax rates added on to Products. In Nexudus, Tax settings can be found in Settings -> Billing & accounting -> Tax tab. If the option "Add tax to Invoices" is enabled, then the price sent over to Square will ensure Tax is added on to the [Gross] Product Price.

Square allows Tax to be added on Items too, however this will cause conflicts with regards to pricing between the two systems. Please ensure Tax for Nexudus products within Square are not enabled, as Nexudus will handle Tax. The Taxes section in Square can be found under "Items" -> "Sales taxes":

Exporting and Synchronisation


From their respective pages, Customers and Products have their own toggle that determines if the Customer or Product will be exported to Square.

Customer/Member page, found in Operations/Users/(user)/Account/Services:

Product page, found in Inventory/Products/(product)/Advanced:

All at Once

The Square Integrations page provides a way to upload all Customers and/or Products to Square. If these options are used, their individual toggles in the sections above will automatically be set to enabled ("Yes").

Products and Customers are only removed from Square upon deleting the Product or Customer.

Editing on Square

When customers and/or products are uploaded to Square, do not edit the customer or product directly on Square as it can cause Nexudus and Square to become out of sync.

Payment synchronisation

Payment import into Nexudus is fully automated. When Square Orders have been made, the Invoice will be added to the Nexudus customer that was associated with the Square order.

Product Modifications

Changing Product information in Nexudus should be done during transaction "downtime", e.g., at night.

Last updated