FAQ: Invoicing

How can I stop an invoice from being created when a user signs up to a plan via the website?

Automating invoicing is one of the main features of Nexudus that will help you manage your location's day-to-day operations. If you don't want to create invoices for your members automatically, you must not sign them up to a plan or if you do, it has to be a free plan. For the latter, when there is nothing to invoice the platform will not create any invoice.‌

I need to partially refund an amount on an invoice. How can I do it?

You can partially refund given items of an invoice that has been created

How can I invoice a number of months in advance for a monthly price plan?

If you wish to automatically bill all customers of a specific plan for additional billing cycles at the start of their membership, you can adjust the billing day and prorating options. You can set this option when you create a plan or edit it after.

Can you edit the details on an invoice that has already been created and sent?

Yes, you can edit invoices by accessing the relevant record from the list.‌

The invoice wasn't created automatically on the member's renewal day. What could have happened?

Bear in mind that it takes some time to create an invoice. You should also check if the renewal date on the member's contract is correct.‌

How can I preview the invoices that are going to be created?

Go to Reports > Members & Contacts > Next Invoice Amount

Previewing the invoices that are going to be created‌

Note: these reports do not include discounts or taxes

Can I add a charge to an invoice that has been created but not sent or paid?

No, charges can be edited, but you cannot include new charges on invoices that have already been created. If you want to add a Charge, you must cancel the current invoice by raising a Credit Note and raising a new invoice and adding the charge that you want.‌

Can I disable automatic invoicing?

No, one of the main functions and advantages of Nexudus is that invoices are created automatically for your customers. If you do not want to create an invoice automatically for a member, you shouldn't assign them a contract. If you want to check invoices before they are sent to members, remember that you can choose the notifications they receive for invoices and payments.‌

Lastly, remember that you can check the Next Invoice Amount to see the total that is going to be invoiced to coworkers during the next renewal period. To access the report, go to Reports > Members & Contacts > Next Invoice Amount.‌

Can I disable invoice delivery by email?

Yes, as mentioned above, you can select the number of payment-related notifications that you wish to send each customer. To do so, view the member's profile and go to the Account -> Payments's tab. You can also disable the Notify on New Invoice option for new members that sign up to your location. To do so, go to Settings > Billing and accounting -> Notifications.‌

How can I mark several invoices as paid at once?

When you select an invoice the bulk actions menu appears, next you check all the invoices that have been paid with the same payment type. Then click on mark as paid, choose payment type and click continue.

How can I delete several invoices at once?

When you select an invoice the bulk actions menu appears, you can then select all the invoices you wish to remove and click delete

Deleted invoices cannot be recovered.

I need to edit the billing period on an invoice that has been created. How can I do it?

Go to the invoice record that you want to edit via the list or the member's profile and edit the Invoice Period (from/to) fields. Click on the Save button in the top right of the screen to complete the process.‌

Open the invoice using Finance > Invoices, then click Edit below the billing period.

Changing the billing period‌

Then set the format for all invoices from Settings > Billing and accounting > Formatting.

Billing and accounting settings‌

Can I change the format of the numbering on invoices?

Yes, you can set the format for all invoices in Settings > Billing and accounting > Formatting.

Billing and accounting settings‌

I want to add a note to invoices, how can I do it?

You can add notes to Contracts, Products, Resource Rates, Bookings and Time Passes. You can choose to display these notes on invoices if you want. You can enable the option to display them by going to Settings > Billing and accounting > Contents.‌

What is displayed on members' invoices if they don't provide billing details?

If members do not provide their billing details, their contact details are taken by default. If the user hasn’t provided contact details either, the invoices will not display any information. Remember that you can edit the billing details on invoices that have already been created if a member were to provide this information.‌

One of the members in my location wants to use a different email address for invoices. Can I set an email address for invoices on their account?

Yes, you can. You can set a different email address for sending invoices at any time. Go to the Account tab on the member's profile and fill in the Alternate Billing email. If you leave this field blank, invoices will be sent to the email address that the person used to sign up.‌

I have several members that pay together, how do I assign them to a price plan?

In this case, the best option is to use a team to group them all together. If the invoice is issued to one person, you must set this person as the Team paying customer and combine the invoices so that one invoice is created for that person. This invoice would include the price plans to which the rest of the team members are signed up and the additional services that have been consumed.‌

If there is a member with a free plan, is he or she considered as an active member with regard to subscriptions on Nexudus?

Any member signed up to a free plan is counted as an active member with regard to subscriptions on Nexudus.‌

Can I set a daily plan?

If you were to set a daily plan, it would be renewed and invoiced every day, which isn't very convenient. To set up a "pay as you go" plan by days, we normally recommend using products in batches, which include a series of passes that are consumed when the member uses the location.‌

Can I cancel a customer's plan in the middle of a renewal period?

Yes, you can cancel a plan from the dashboard at any time. To do so, you only have to set a cancellation date in the contract that the member has active. For more information, see Managing contracts.‌

If I were to make any changes to a plan, when are the changes applied to the members signed up to that plan?

When you add services, such as passes or resource time credit to an existing plan, the changes take effect immediately in the accounts of members already signed up to the plan.‌

Can a member have two different plans?

A member can have two different plans linked to two different contracts but one will always be the Main Contract, with one associated plan. For more information about these processes, see Managing contracts.‌

Can a contact have a plan?

No, because by definition a contact is a record in your Nexudus account that is not signed up to a plan. When the contact is signed up to a plan, they then become a member.‌

I have a plan that allows two members to check in. How can I set this up? Also, one of them is the paying member.

We do not recommend sharing passes between customers, in this scenario we recommend adding passes to each member's account.

How to add a plan that charges annually or every six months?

Create a plan and add the annual price/six months price in the cost field. Set the Invoice period to months and Invoice Every (months) to 12 or 6. This way the member will be charged every six months or yearly.

Why are invoices 1st of the month to 1st of the month, we want it to be from the 1st - 31st?

In Nexudus and in many accounting software a complete month is from midnight on the 1st of each month to midnight on the 1st the next month. For example, if the next invoice will be created on 1st January, then the invoice period will be from Jan 01 2020 00:00 to Feb 01 2020 00:00. This would be a complete month, the next invoice would be from Feb 01 2020 00:00 - March 01 2020 00:00.

Why is there a missing invoice for my customer?

Check to see if that customer has a draft invoice; draft invoices will pick up any pending membership charges and move the contract forward, causing a "missing" invoice.

Last updated