Configuring Google Maps

Connecting your Nexudus account to Google Maps.

To use Google Maps in conjunction with your Nexudus account, you need to get a Google JS API key and then add it to your Nexudus account as follows.

  1. In the side menu, click Settings.

  2. In the Apps and integrations section, click Integrations.

  3. In the OTHER section, click Google Maps.

  4. Click Get Google JS API Key.

  5. Follow the instructions on the Google Maps support page to get your API key.

  6. When setting up your key, make sure to enable the following services for the key: - Maps Javascript API - Geolocation API - Maps Embed API - Geocoding API

  7. Copy your API key.

  8. In the Javascript api key textbox, paste the API key.

  9. Click Save changes.

Last updated