Managing task lists

How to manage task lists.

To set up a task list, you must:

  • create the list

  • edit it to add the tasks that you want include

During the configuration process, you can link the list to members, contacts or people with specific price plans.




The CRM link in the side menu


The link to the Tasks Lists section

To view the existing task lists

  1. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Task Lists.

To add a new task list

  1. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Task Lists.

  2. Click Add task list.

  3. Complete the required fields (see the table below for a description of each option).

  4. Click Save.




Enter a name for the task list


If you manage more than one space from your Nexudus Spaces account, select from the drop-down list the location of the space that is going to use the task list


Select Yes or No

Auto assign

The options available are:

  • Automatically add the tasks in this list to new contacts

  • Automatically add the tasks in this list to new members

  • Automatically add the tasks in this list to customers cancelling contracts

  • Add tasks only to customers in these plans (select on the drop-down list)

To edit a task list

  1. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Task Lists.

  2. In the list of task lists, click the name of the one to edit.

  3. Make the necessary changes (see the table above).

  4. Click Save changes.

To delete a task list

There is also a Delete button at the bottom of the task list editing page.

  1. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Task Lists.

  2. Click Delete.

To add a task to a task list

  1. In the side menu, click CRM, then click Task Lists.

  2. In the list of task lists, click the name of the one to edit.

  3. In the Tasks section, select a task from the drop-down list.

  4. Click Save changes.

Last updated